Monday, October 26, 2009

Saying of the Week


This is one of my favorite sayings. When people start giving me earache about this or that, I remember that what you do is what matters, not what you say. So many people, today, talk and talk, promise this and that, but they don't follow through. They think if they smile and say sorry that's ok.

For example, my best friend's father never said very much, but his mother talked a lot and no one listened. One evening we came back to my friend's house and started playing music in his living room. His mother kept saying to us to keep the music down, and my friend kept saying ok.

Of course, we didn't and we were quite loud really. After about one hour, the door opened and my friend's father walked in, and without saying a word, he walked over and turned off the electric fire and the music, switched off the light, closed the door and went back to bed. 

We all knew what he meant, by his actions, and went home with our tails between our legs. Actions speak louder than words. Or, as the Chinese say: Talk doesn't cook rice!

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