Monday, November 9, 2009

Saying of the Week

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
With sayings that have a "result", such as this one, you don't have to say the whole proverb. It's only necessary to say: "You can lead a horse to water". People will then know what you mean.
When I was in my early teens, my mother got it into her head, that her children would learn to play the piano. She had never played a musical instrument, and now, she thought her kids should not miss out on this opportunity, or they would regret it when they got older, like she did.
So, she persuaded my father to buy an old stand-up piano at auction. It was installed in the front room, and I was sent off to take piano lessons with a Mrs. O'Neill. I never really took to playing the piano; I don't have a very musical ear. However, I stuck at it for a while, and I remember passing some theory exams, but I still can't play the piano, and neither can the rest of my family.
You can lead a horse to water .............

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